Burning $HELMET ➡️ $GUARD ⛑ →🛡

6 min readAug 1, 2021

Helmeters!!! We know that you have expected the GUARD Migration for ‘ages’, but we believe that we are the late bloomer 🙃


As you could see, we already got the support from Polygon team and QuickSwap team at the very beginning when we hit the Polygon. 🥇

With our Polygon ecosystem start, our team decided to take Helmet into deflation round. To be specific, HELMET is releasing daily though, the releasing rate has already decreased with the falloff curve. In the next step, we will make the burning migration, IIO, and buy-back to rocket up HELMET burning, performing like our guardian angels for helmet holders.

Our ❶st move is to start SHORT Mining, which has attracted over 2000 users on polygon net, witnessing over $630,000 worth of policy made in 3 days. Guard.insure enables DeFi users to experience the finance derivative: option trading. For your information, there are already 5 GUARD mining pools live and the GUARD-USDC LP mining pool for QUICK live already. All these delightful encourage us into our next step.(PLUS: SHORT token mining is not rocket science, if you could take 5min to read it, the fruitful reward will showing itself.)

WHO could get the GUARD Credits

💛 Helmet-BNB LPers could get GUARD Credits to burn HELMET into GUARD!!!! 🤠 🤠 🤠

It will perform like a new IIO if you are familiar with helmet.insure.

🧡 THANKS for your continuous support!!!! Helmeters & HELMET LPers!!!

GUARD Credits Distribution:

Daily credits distribution hard cap: 20,000

Daily burning hard cap: 10,000

💙 20,000 GUARD Credits distributed per day with 10,000 available GUARD migration daily (the number of available GUARD migration will update 22:00 UTC+8 per day).

🔎 In other words, if you are the HELEMT-BNB LP and get 10 GUARD credits this day, you need to rush to migrate tab. If the available GUARD credits already already run out this day, you need to wait until next 22:00 UTC+8 to migrate.

Limited Credits Setting:

Cross-chained burning and reissuing is the game-changing but fresh new model, which could route the token into deflation circle and expand the organic ecosystem. However, there are the uncertainty pending in the air, this situation which leads us to the decision.

At the beginning stage, we expect that our users could get their feet wet and join into our SHORT Mining campaign with lower gas fee and new experience on polygon. We will move SHORT mining into BSC when, I believe, you already veteran in policy supplying/buying.

This limited migration is one-way migration and you can’t back GUARD into HELMET, so that we expect that this limit capacity would avoid the blind migration only b/c the price violation.

The GAP of Daily Credits Distribution and Daily Burning hard cap

GUARD migration is available on a first come, first served basis, considering the ineffective seats taken. But don’r fret!!! Your credits are still valid in next day (begin at 22:00 UTC+8) burning/migration.

This migration is based on new version of IIO, if you add and stake your HELMET-BNB LP in our Mining tab, you could get GUARD Credits per day.

Burning & Claim Delay Time

Helmeters, at this beginning stage, you could not instant get GUARD after burning HELMET. You will witness 24h delay time after your burning, meaning that you need to wait 24h to harvest your GUARD on polygon. Snapshot and mint the corresponding GUARD on polygon

We are re-testing the safety of the integration of snapshot and burning smart contract, before which we will take the separate approach.🌟

Could I send my HELMET to the burning address myself ?

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ No, if you send your HELMET to burning address, you will not get GUARD Credits neither GUARD!!!!! The only way to get Guard credits is to stake your HELMET-BNB LPT in our mining pool.

🥳 Finally, let’s start the burning&getting journey!!!😍

Stake HELMET-BNB LP before Burning

You need ready HELMET and BNB tokens and get HELMET-BNB LPT by adding HELMET-BNB liquidity on PancakeSwap; This is the only effective to get GUARD credits.

2. STAKE your LPT(showing Cake-LP in your wallet) into HELET-BNB Combo Mining Pool. (You could enjoy CAKE 🍰 & HELMET ⛑️ dual rewards at the same time)


⚠️While you are holding HELMET-BNB LPT, you will be at risk of Impermanent Loss.
If you already STAKE in HELMET-BNB (PCS) Combo Mining Pool, our smart contract will capture your LPT info automatically.

Burning Approach:

Then, hit the Migration tab and ‘confirm’ it.

Then, you could check your credits (we will catch your LP data automatically). Next, claim your credits and follow the steps to burn.

🔥 Burning formula: HELMET : GUARD =1:1 (limited amount per day)

⚠️ Be sure that you have enough HELMET for your burning.

You could check your credits detail in this page.

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ Daily burning hard cap: 10,000 HELEMT, even if you have the credits, you need to wait the available seating next day if we meet the burning hard cap. Please manage your time and take your credits ASAP.

GUARD Claim:

After 24h of your burning progress, you could claim your GUARD on polygon network simply by this button on helmet.insure:

and then CLAIM your GUARD here:

Congrats!!!🚀 🚀 🚀 You finished the migration and get your GUARD on polygon!!!

GUARD Usage on Polygon

1.GUARD cover miss out policy mining (LIVE SOON)

If you have GUARD, you could stake your GUARD to supply GUARD cover miss out policy then get SHORT ➡️ farm GUARD.

2. GUARD-USDC LP mining, which will show itself on guard.insure when we start the migration. APR over 2000%!!!!!

3. Policy buying

If you wanna buy any type of cover miss out policy or cover 50% off policy, GUARD is the necessary and only token for it.

4. Governance functions(in dev progress)

Disclaimer — All projects are subject to both high market risk and volatility. Please, do your own research and full due diligence before even considering to invest your funds in any project and please, make your investments very cautiously. Helmet.insure/guard.insure will not be held responsible for any investment losses.




Helmet is a peer-to-peer price-shield insurance protocol on BSC ( Binance Smart Chain), originated from option trading logic.